Swaddle your Baby with baby blankets and muslin cloths


Swaddling has been a tradition in our house for a long time.

Parents have swaddled their infants for millennia. A tradition passed down down the years to calm the child and reduce the stress that new parents experience.

But what exactly is swaddling? The term swaddling' refers to a specific method of comforting a baby or little child. With the exception of the head, swaddling an infant includes enveloping their entire body in a soft blanket. It's like devouring a massive burrito!

 Why Swaddling with baby blanket is important? 

The first time your baby went to the hospital nursery, she was probably wrapped in a beautiful little box with only her furry tiny head sticking out. This is because nurses are well aware that swaddling is one of the most important secrets.

Swaddling is a typical practice in which a newborn is gently wrapped in a light, permeable blanket to aid relaxation and sleep. Only their bodies, not their necks or heads, should be wrapped. Swaddling blanket for infant is supposed to make them feel safe and secure, similar to how they felt in the womb.

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The medical profession is divided on whether swaddling is a beneficial practice. So, if you're thinking about swaddling your baby, make sure you're using proper swaddling techniques. Swaddle your baby in our organic cotton double-layered muslin cloth, which comes in a variety of colours and prints.

What kind of blanket should you use to swaddle a baby?

 Choosing the right swaddling blanket is critical. Soft, airy, and not too rigid fabric is great. It's best to use a cotton muslin swaddling blanket.

Swaddling your infant with a muslin blanket is perfect since it is a highly breathable fabric that reduces overheating while also allowing your baby to move around more freely. Here you can find our Muslin Swaddles Sets, which are made of organic cotton and come in a variety of colours and prints for your little one.



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